The Girl Scout Movement is first and foremost a sisterhood. As such, we want a chance to visit with our sisters around the country and around the globe. To that end we have established a Travel and Hospitality committee. Check back to find out what travel opportunities our committee has discovered.
Member Group's Travel Opportunities:
Does your Adult Affinity Group have a travel opportunity to share with a broader audience? Please let us know about it so we can publicize it here and in our newsletter. Email [email protected].
Do you have an extra room you are willing to open up to a traveling Girl Scout sister? Are you interested in staying with a Girl Scout sister on your journey? We are building a list of hospitality locations. We hope to have this available for use in late 2024. If you are interested, contact us ([email protected]).
"Traveling to a World Centre is an amazing experience. Every Girl Scout should do it at least once in their life!" - Lynn Wilbur